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On the outskirts of the town of Hajdúböszörmény, in a more or less closed and connected Natura 2000 area called the Kutasi-forest. The shelter is constructed partly in a middle aged acacia forest along the Vackor learning trail. Here you will find a bird bath optimized for morning lights and a one-way mirrored bird watching shelter installed next to it. Typical species photographed several times: forest tit and finch species, nightingale, horned flycatcher, lemon blossom and carvallo Capacity of the bird hide:: maximum 8 people It can be used from March to October Fee for use with round trip transfer: 12 000,- HUF /person (maximum 48 000,- HUF /group) ERDEI_IMG_6031 ERDEI-kis ERDEI-kis2 ERDEI-kis3 ERDEI-plusz contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a Pro Natura memorial plaque. He is an expert in the avifauna of Hajdúság.…

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The habitats of Hajdúság can offer something exciting for a nature photographer in every season. On the occasion of our off-road tours, we undertake to explore the border sections that offer the most during the season, or in the given period, with the help of our 4×4 vehicles and drivers. We mostly visit the area’s Natura 2000 sites and the nature reserves of local importance. Our tour guides have enough knowledge of the place and species to give our guests a real close-to-nature experience. Recommended number of people per tour: 1-3 people Available all year round Cost of the off-road programme: 24 000,- HUF /person (maximum 42 000,- HUF /group) 2009_08_32 054 2019_03_29_7881_best-game-over 2019_05_02_9999_238 IMG_1064 contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a Pro Natura memorial plaque. He is an expert in the avifauna of…

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On the outskirts of the town of Hajdúdorog, a tower is erected in an aging acacia forest strip next to a short-grass pasture, in a group of trees with artificial nests and nesting boxes. Behind the one-way glass of a 5-meter-high stable structure optimized for morning lights, events related to the breeding of several bird species can be observed and recorded. From the bird hide, it is possible to photograph common kestrels, European rollers and lesser grey shrikes. Capacity of the bird hide: maximum 3 people It can be used from April to July Fee for use with round trip transfer: 18 900,- HUF /person (maximum 36 000,- HUF /group) Szalakóta 2011_07_07 1608 Vörös vércse 2014_04_07 984 DCIM101MEDIADJI_0848.JPG AAA_Vörös vércse 2014_04_07 1363_a contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a Pro Natura memorial plaque. He…

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Primarily in inland water years – when the landscape resembles Hortobágy -, the hide can be set up in the immediate vicinity of the wetlands of the Pród grasslands. Its opening begins near the earth’s surface and the entire bird hide is one and a half meters high (used with one-way glass). Unfortunately, the ideal water conditions do not occur every year, so the hide is only set up at certain periods. From the hide, mainly water, wading and coastal birds, as well as reed songbirds can be photographed. Capacity of the bird hide: maximum 3 people It can be used from late March to the end of June Fee for use with round trip transfer: 18 900,- HUF /person (maximum 36 000,- HUF /group) 05_Pusztai-les 2019_03_29_7776 2015_04_11 107 2018_04_06_5850_guvat contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography…

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The most spectacular natural phenomenon in Hajdúság is the autumn migration of cranes, during which birds gathering from northern Europe on the Hortobágy fishponds before their great southern journey use the monoculture agricultural areas of Hajdúság for nutrition.During this period – in October – the tour guides of our organization are happy to take groups of one or a few photographers, or even larger groups. At that time, it is possible to see the spectacular birds at their feeding sites during the day and at their roosting place at Virágoskút fishpond at sunset. Recommended number of people per tour: maximum 30 people (maximum 3 people in case of photo tour)Available from late September to early November Cost of the guided tour: 18 900,- HUF /group (bus for large groups is provided by the group itself) 2019_06_21_9999_14-ch kis02 kis04 kis05 nagy contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the…

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The main profile of our organisation is awareness raising, especially among young people.Therefore, we are not scared when we are invited to lead a group of students. Given that bird watching requires quiet and calm conditions, we are waiting for the application of small groups.For them, hiking or horse-drawn tours are offered starting from Hajdúvid, in a time frame of 2.5-4 hours, visiting 2-3 habitats, with one tour guide per group. For groups of children under 12, please provide at least one adult companion. Recommended number of people per tour: maximum 25 people (+ 1-2 adult escorts) Available from spring to autumn Cost of the off-road programme: 24000,- HUF /group (+ 2400,- HUF /person in case of using a horse-drawn carriage) 2010_03_30 106 2010_12_11 052 2019_06_01_9999_101_fb DSCF4819Bné contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a…

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The habitats of Hajdúság can offer something exciting for a nature photographer in every season. On the occasion of our off-road tours, we undertake to explore the border sections that offer the most during the season, or in the given period, with the help of our 4×4 vehicles and drivers. We mostly visit the area’s Natura 2000 sites and the nature reserves of local importance. Our tour guides have enough knowledge of the place and species to give our guests a real close-to-nature experience.Recommended number of people per tour: 1-3 people Availableall year round Cost of the off-road programme: 24 000,- HUF /person (maximum 42 000,- HUF /group) 2007juni2 120 IMG_1660_brh 2009_08_32 054 2019_02_08_3175_varjak contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a Pro Natura memorial plaque. He is an expert in the avifauna of Hajdúság.…

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On the outskirts of Hajdúdorog, next to a sand wall where the European bee-eater nests colonially, there is a one-way mirrored bird watching shelter optimized for morning lights. Here we can follow the mating, breeding and rearing of our birds from mid-May. Branches, perches and natural landmarks help you take excellent shots. From the hide, mainly bee-eaters can be photographed, but there is a good chance to see the Eurasian hoopoe and occasionally other steppe birds. Capacity of the bird hide: maximum 4 people It can be used from mid-May to mid-July Fee for use with round trip transfer: 18 900,- HUF /person (maximum 36 000,- HUF /group) 2015_06_21 271_gyurgyalag Bajomi_Balint_2015_1723_gyurgyalag_les 2015_06_21 305_bubos_banka DCIM101MEDIADJI_0112.JPG 2017_06_04 333 contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development recognized his bird photography activity with a Pro Natura memorial plaque. He is an expert in the avifauna…

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One of the elements of the bird protection educational trail established in the yard of the former farm school on the edge of the village of Hajdúvid is the bird hide, i.e. the one-way mirrored shelter. The nearby village, as well as the oak forest strip and the school yard a few hundred meters away, are home to a wide variety of songbirds and function as a shelter during the winter bird feeding season. Typical species photographed several times: Eurasian hoopoe, common nightingale, European goldfinch, European greenfinch, lesser whitethroat, Eurasian blackcap; and in winter, wintering tit and finch species. Capacity of the bird hide: maximum 4 people It can be used all year round Fee for use with round trip transfer: 9 900,- HUF /person (maximum 15 000,- HUF /group) 2020_05_04_9999_5 DCIM101MEDIADJI_0788.JPG Mezei veréb 2013_12_12 077 Tengelic 2014_11_14 146_a contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister…

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On the outskirts of the town of Hajdúböszörmény, in a more or less closed and connected Natura 2000 area called the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oaks, there is an old lily of the valley and oak mixed forest patch. Here you will find a bird bath optimized for morning lights and a one-way mirrored bird watching shelter installed next to it. Typical species photographed several times: Eurasian sparrowhawk, northern goshawk, common buzzard, lesser spotted and middle spotted woodpecker, European green woodpecker, black woodpecker, European turtle dove, common nightingale, collared flycatcher, yellowhammer (and other mainly forest songbirds) Capacity of the bird hide: maximum 4 people It can be used from March to October Fee for use with round trip transfer: 18 900,- HUF /person (maximum 36 000,- HUF /group) 2015_05_16 020_enekes_rigo 2015_05_16 246_baratka Bajomi_Balint_2015_1264_itatos_les DJI_0058_a DCIM100MEDIADJI_0060.JPG Lesben_2015_04_04 232 contact Antal MOLNÁR tour operator Nature photographer, in 2018, the Minister of State for Rural Development…

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